What Does TM Mean on Snapchat: Сracking the Code

Slang and Emojis in Snapchat

Snapchat, the dynamic social media platform known for its ephemeral messages, filters, and Stories, is no stranger to unique slang and abbreviations. Among these, “TM” is an acronym that often leaves users curious about its meaning. 

In this article, we’ll unravel the mystery of what “TM” means on Snapchat. We’ll also delve into other popular Snapchat slangs and abbreviations, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the language used on this exciting platform.

Understanding “TM” on Snapchat

“TM” is a common abbreviation used on Snapchat, but its meaning may not be immediately obvious to all users. In this context, “TM” stands for “Text Me.” It’s an invitation or request from the sender for the recipient to send them a text message.

Essentially, when someone sends you a Snap or message on Snapchat with “TM” in it, they’re indicating that they’d like you to text them outside of the app.

Decoding Snapchat Slangs

Snapchat is known for its unique and playful language. Here are some other common slangs and abbreviations you might encounter on the platform:

 Common Snapchat Slangs:

  • Snap: A photo or video message sent on Snapchat;
  • Story: A collection of Snaps that can be viewed by your friends for 24 hours;
  • Streak: When you and a friend exchange Snaps for consecutive days, you have a “Snapstreak.”;
  • Chat: The messaging feature on Snapchat;
  • Filter: An overlay that can be added to a Snap, often changing the appearance of the image;
  • Snapcode: A unique QR code that makes it easy to add friends on Snapchat;
  • Bitmoji: A personalized emoji or avatar that represents you on Snapchat.

Discover more Snapchat abbreviations in this video

Other Frequently Used Snapchat Abbreviations

  • BRB: Be Right Back;
  • LOL: Laugh Out Loud;
  • OMG: Oh My God;
  • TTYL: Talk To You Later;
  • IDK: I Don’t Know.

“TM” on Snapchat: A Deeper Dive

Now that we’ve demystified “TM” as “Text Me” on Snapchat, you might wonder if there’s any difference between “TM” and “Snapchat TM.” The answer is straightforward: there is no significant distinction. 

Both expressions essentially convey the same message. When someone asks you to “TM” or “Snapchat TM” them, they’re indicating their interest in continuing the conversation through text messages.


Snapchat’s lively and innovative platform extends beyond just sharing Snaps and Stories; it includes a vibrant language of its own. “TM,” meaning “Text Me,” is just one example of the playful abbreviations you might come across while chatting with friends on Snapchat.

 Understanding these slangs and abbreviations enhances your Snapchat experience and keeps you in the loop with the dynamic culture of the platform.

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